There's room for breathing on rainy Sundays

A year ago, I volunteered for the first time in Fort McMurray. It was at the MS Walk downtown, on a freezing May morning. I didn't know anyone, my shoulder ached from the drop in pressure, I was grumpy. Nevertheless, I struck up a conversation with the MC, Andrew, from Cruz FM. A friend came and picked me up early, accidentally backing into a couple cones while doing so. I wondered what I was doing with my life. Yesterday was the MS Walk for 2015. The volunteers and committee met by the cabin at the Birchwood Trails and the sun was already beaming at 7 AM. I had my list of stage manager cues, what photos needed to be taken, hashtags and handles. Andrew showed up a little while later, and we laughed at how this was our one year friendiversary - and again I was amazed at how different my life is now compared to a measly year ago. The change makes my heart all warm. Even if I still have no clue as to what I'm doing with my life, I'm thoroughly enjoying the present.

Also, during the walk over $35.000 were raised for MS research. An incredible number.


Yesterday was also Hope in the Dark, raising awareness of the perils of homelessness. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to the sleepout. It made me sad, but also hopeful as I followed the live updates on Twitter and through the blogging of McMurray Musings. Thank you all who participated, donated and spoke up!

Today, this wonderfully gray and rainy Sunday were the world seems half asleep, my body and soul is telling me to calm everything down, to breathe slower, to make a nest in our new love seat with White Oleander and let the chips fall where they may. I think the cat will join me - he's refusing to leave my side after a few days apart and insists on sleeping either next to me or (his personal favorite) on my butt. This all sounds excellent to me.


The suddenness of FKA Twigs


An introverted entry on perfection