Run For Your Wife: Intermission

Okay, it's definitely time to relax, sister. My legs are polka-dot patterned with odd bruises, my hair is a teased mess, I slept until noon - and I'm so happy. We've been running for our wives through two shows now (three, if you count preview, and several more if you count tech week). Who cares about soreness or bruises? This show is so much fun! Both on and off stage - this whole experience is a whirlwind. It's so challenging, so physical and faster than Homer spotting doughnuts.

We now have our three days off, with shows resuming again on Wednesday and running to Saturday. It's odd having time away right in the middle of it all, but I think we all need it. Between shows and late nights - I have an inkling that most of the cast is spending today in the most comfortable spot wearing the most comfortable things.

Both Friday and Saturday had a great audience, they were laughing and gasping and engaging all the way to the end - and when they stood up during the bows, my little Swedish heart went all a-flutter.

Three days is nothing really, but I already miss this crazy bunch.


I feel a pretty massive exhaustion cold coming on, so this Sunday will be spent rolled up on the couch, and if the nausea goes away I'll head downtown a little later for a good stretch. I'm not in any hurry, however. A day spent in sweats will be a fantastic way to wrap up our opening weekend.

If you haven't seen Run For Your Wife yet, you really should. As a wise man once said in his blog:

If laughter is the best medicine, then Run For Your Wife is the ultimate cure-all.  After about 10 minutes of uncertainty, as the storyline got established, the show took off and kept us laughing to the very end.

Russell Thomas; Run For Your Wife - Uproarious Fun 


YMMFire 2016


April and I